12 Dec 2024 Autumn Term Write-Up!
Read a summary of our Autumn Term activities and highlights!...
Read a summary of our Autumn Term activities and highlights!...
Underground Lights were delighted to attend the National INSIGHTS Awards....
Hear more about final Open Mic of 2024 themed around 'seasons' and which was thoroughly enjoyed by all involved....
'Who is Theatre for?' original performance, a community-driven performance exploring the magic of theatre and the barriers to access....
Theatre review on 'Revealed' by our members after their recent to see the show....
Reflecting on yesterday’s Members-Only Open Mic...
Together with 14 other organisations Underground Lights contributed to The Baring Foundation's new report entitled 'Creatively Minded at the Theatre' by David Cutler....
We are recruiting for a new Project & Activities Assistant - could this be you?...
A vital but not always immediately visible part of our work is our membership support, in this blog post we hope to give you and insight into how we work and what this support can look like....
What a marvellous Medieval inspired Open Mic by Creative Café members meeting at St Mary's Guildhall...