‘My First Term’ by Liz our new Drama Facilitator

‘My First Term’ by Liz our new Drama Facilitator

My First Term

I started my first term at Underground Lights in April helping to facilitate sessions as part of the Lights Up project and I can’t believe how the time has flown! It has been hugely enjoyable to get to know the members a bit better, listen to their ideas and watch their skills and confidence grow. I feel we have achieved so much and become a real team! Huge thanks to Hayley, Beth, Alisha, and Amy – our placement student this term.

During the first few sessions, we worked on expressing a character’s emotions by using a combination of our voices, facial expressions and gestures. We tried out movement ideas, working as a whole ensemble as well as doing lots of paired work. We then considered how we could build on last term’s work. We talked about which scenes we wanted to keep and which we wanted to shelve. It was great to discuss what was needed to develop the existing material and what to devise afresh – all the while considering the theme of ‘Journey’. We then tried out different settings and scenarios before pinning down a final group of scenes.

The term ended with a sharing of our Work in Progress and I couldn’t have felt prouder! Members worked together brilliantly. There was a great energy and focus throughout the performance. It was wonderful to see and hear the audience smiling and laughing along and to receive very positive feedback afterwards. There was comedy, singing, dancing and even a catwalk for members to strut their stuff!

I can’t wait to see where we take the Lights Up Project next term!

Members’ words to describe the term